I’ve known Dr. Lee since college and first sought his help when I hurt my neck doing something stupid. During that first visit, I mentioned that I have had stomach issues for as long as I can remember but had been seeing gastro specialists to treat it. Dr. Lee recommended that I test for food intolerance and it turns out that I’m intolerant to basically everything I love to eat! My sister had the same issues as me and found out she’s intolerant to a lot of food too. It’s been a difficult journey having to abstain from the foods we love (and we still “blame” him for our suffering) but the stomach pains have been MUCH more tolerable and controlled. I even lost a lot of weight when I was strict on my diet.
My sister and I still regularly come in to get adjusted and to fix other random ailments (which I seem to have a lot of). I definitely feel more relaxed and more pain-free after leaving his office. I would definitely recommend others to check it out!