Meyers Cocktail
The Meyers Cocktail combines a wide range of minerals and vitamins we all need and delivers it intraveneously, providing a much-needed boost to the immune system or to supplement nutrients you aren’t getting elsewhere.
Multivitamin Mineral IV
This IV therapy contains a wide range of nutrients from vitamin A thru Zinc. Because it is delivered intraveneously, it is far more potent and effective than the oral supplements for vitamins and minerals. It is great for replenishing those with vitamin deficiencies from chronic disease, fatigue, pain, prescription drug use, or from day to day stress.
Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy is the use of medical grade ozone, which is a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a curative response in the body. The body has the potential to renew and regenerate itself. When it becomes sick it is because this potential has been blocked. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to remove many of these impediments thus allowing the body to do what it does best – heal itself. More information on ozone can be found here.
Blood Ozonation (autohemotherapy)- A certain amount of blood is withdrawn by venipuncture, ozonated and returned by injection into muscle or vein, to help purify the blood of toxins, destroy pathogens, and increase oxygenation of organs and tissues.
Direct Intravenous Ozone- A direct injection of ozone into the vein which is a rapid administration similar to the blood ozonation.
Chelation IV Therapy
Chelation refers to a process by which ions and molecules in a certain agent bind to metals and minerals in the body. Chelation is used to detoxify and revitalize and binds to harmful metals or minerals in the body, which are then excreted through your urinary system. We offer different types of chelation IV Therapy. Each has an agent more tailored to a specific condition, and all types include vitamins to assist in the chelation process:
Calcium EDTA- It is used for the removal of heavy metals, particularly lead.
DMPS- It is also used for the removal of heavy metals, but it binds especially strongly to mercury.
Magnesium EDTA- It is used for the removal of any calcification or plaque build up in the arteries, and also used to reduce inflammation in the body.
Iron is an important mineral needed to help the body grow and develop. It makes hemoglobin, which brings oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, and myoglobin, which brings oxygen to the muscles.
High Dose Vitamin C IV
Vitamin C is naturally found in many fruits and vegetables, but sometimes it’s not enough to source from food. With this IV you receive a high dose of vitamin C, which combines with any virus or toxin to form a compound. This compound is oxidized and the virus or toxin is destroyed to be released from the body. Not only is this great to help heal many disorders and allergies, it is also excellent for anyone because of its detoxification properties, and its ability to support the adrenal system and metabolism. Athletes can also benefit because it prevents soreness after workouts.
Intravenous vitamin C therapy has already been clinically proven to markedly improve quality of life for cancer patients, but a new landmark study has shown for the first time it can reduce inflammation and tumour markers in prostate cancer and breast cancer patients. The science behind IV vitamin C as a cancer therapy is now advancing faster than ever before, with six clinical trials currently underway worldwide, including colorectal, prostate, pancreatic and other cancers. In lab studies, high-dose vitamin C has proven to be potently cytotoxic to a wide variety of cancer cell lines as well as to boost the cytotoxicity of several common chemotherapy drugs. This has been confirmed in animal studies, where IV vitamin C decreases the growth rates of liver, ovarian, pancreatic, and glioblastoma tumours with dosages easily achievable in humans.
This is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants available and it’s known to the medical community as “the master anti-oxidant”. It is great for boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, liver detoxification, and fighting against many different diseases. This is also very commonly used for its anti-aging properties because it can help to whiten the skin and even out its tone, and to increase energy and concentration levels.
Glutathione (GSH) is an important compound naturally present in the body from the time of birth and required until death. It plays a number of roles in the body. As an antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals and helps maintain Vitamins C and E in reduced (active) state. It also plays a role in detoxification of harmful substances in the body. For instance, a large amount of glutathione will be found in liver helping to neutralize toxins which are then discarded via bile. It also helps in repairing damage to the liver cells caused due to prolonged alcohol abuse or intake of fatty foods.
Glutathione IV in combination with Vitamin C is a popular and effective treatment for getting fairer skin. It reduces the level and distribution of melanin pigment in the skin which results in lessening of the darker tone of the skin. s we grow old, the level of glutathione in the body depletes at the rate of about 10% every ten years. The deficiency leads to health-related problems. It has been found that this deficiency can be made up by administering glutathione in an intravenous manner.
Phosphatidylcholine Therapy
Intravenous phosphatidylcholine therapy involves, administering essential phospholipids in the form of Phosphatidylcholine parenterally (by intravenous infusion) to a patient to reverse age-related changes in the lipid composition of organs and tissues, such as heart muscle cells, red blood cells and arteries by lipid exchange. Since the aging process in heart muscle is characterized by a decrease in phosphatidylcholine and a concomitant increase in sphingomyelin and cholesterol. The treatment is designed to promote the exchange of PC to heart cell membrane and exchanges of SM from the heart muscle.
The Phosphatidylcholine treatment program is also designed to promote cholesterol exchange between the organs and tissues, such as heart muscle cells, red blood cells and arteries. The most important effect of Phosphatidylcholine is its remarkable ability to reduce plaque depositions in the arterial walls. It also lowers cholesterol and homocysteine levels. Studies in lab animals have shown that it increases their lifespan by up to 36%. An important therapeutic application of the Phosphatidylcholine treatment program is increasing an individual’s ability to withstand cardiac stress. This application is highly recommended for individuals who have suffered cardiac trauma, such as myocardial infarction or who are at high risk of heart trauma.
Poly-MVA is a uniquely-formulated combination of minerals, vitamins and amino acids designed to support cellular energy production and promote overall health. Poly-MVA also replaces specific nutrients that may be depleted during certain therapies. Poly-MVA contains a proprietary blend of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, formyl-methionine, N-acetyl cysteine, plus trace amounts of molybdenum, rhodium, and ruthenium. This formulation is designed to provide energy for compromised body systems by changing the electrical potential of human cells and facilitating aerobic metabolism within the cell. It can be used for patients with chronic fatigue and pain, undergoing conventional and alternative cancer care, and other degenerative diseases.
It can be used along with other IV therapies to help increase cellular energy by boosting ATP and oxygenation.
Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory that can be effective for reducing pain, inflammation, and stimulating the immune system when used intraveneously. Curcumin is a well researched active component in tumeric. Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and immune regulator. IV Curcumin has been researched to demonstrate faster recuperation from chemotherapy, enhancing liver function, preventing blood supply to cancerous cells, improve memory, and reduce inflammation from autoimmune disease and chronic pain.
Silver Hydrosol
Silver Hydrosol is a pure form of silver in nano-sized particles. Bio-active silver works as a potent anti-microbial and is commonly used to treat cases of bacterial infections such as Lyme, Streptococcus, and more; fungal infections such as Candida; Viral infections such as HIV/AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis, and more.
This an amino acid that is known to help relieve back pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, interstitial cystitis, and other pain conditions.
This stands for Methionine, Inositol, and Choline. These are three amino acids that are good for stimulating your metabolism and the release of fat from the liver. It is useful for weight loss as well as detoxification. This is also available in injection form.
This is a sulfur compound that occurs in nature. It is formed in the atmosphere and returned to earth in rainfall, which is then absorbed by plants in high concentration. It has anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. It enhances resistance and decreases susceptibility to infection.
Immune System Jumpstart
The Immune Jumpstart system is an IV designed to do just what it says, jumpstart your immune system. If you believe you may have been exposed to the flu, cold, or other types of bacterial/viral illnesses, or simply wish to prevent an infection from happening in the first place, our Immune Jumpstart may be right for you. Getting a “Jumpstart” before travelling just makes sense, as exposure to “new” germs all but guarantees an infection, as the body hasn’t had time to develop immunity. The Immune Jumpstart is great as a cleanup after travel to reduce the chance of unknown exposures getting a toehold in your system.
The Jumpstart consists of Advanced Cellular Silver Formulation designed to boost your own immune system, we pair this homoeopathic formulation with ACG Glutathione. Glutathione is the #1 antioxidant naturally occurring in the body. Glutathione decreases in our bodies with age, using a supplemental glutathione formula in our solution helps boost the levels in our bodies and ensures that our immune system has the tools necessary to fight disease when we are most in need of them. We also add a B-Complex and Magnesium to our IV, designed to increase energy and metabolism, supporting the body as it fights the disease process.
Intravenous Laser Therapy
Intravenous Laser Therapy enables the application of laser light directly into the bloodstream by using a special catheter technology. The laser light stimulates circulating blood cells and stem cells. The following color spectrums can be used for their specific benefits.
IV Laser Therapy can be combined with our IV nutrient therapy for remarkable synergistic effects.
UV: Increases oxygen absorption into tissues, destroys bacterial, viral, fungal growth, improves body’s ability to detoxify, improves circulation, activates hormone production.
BLUE: Improves microcirculation by NO release, strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, accelerates wound healing, supports pain relief, activates telomerase and biogenesis of mitochondria with maximum anti-aging effects.
GREEN: Increases oxygen uptake, reduces pain caused by inflammation and swelling.
YELLOW: Antidepressant effects by enhancement of vitamin D and serotonin production, effective against chronic (viral) infections, strong antibacterial effects, positive influence on the endocrine system and metabolism.
RED: Energizing effects (increases ATP production), strengthens the immune system, increases cell activity, regenerates damaged tissue structures and improves circulation.
INFRARED: Deepest penetration of lasers, enhances ATP production, reduces pain and inflammation, enhances wound healing, improves circulation, improves mood, enhances glucose metabolism, anti-cancer effect.
NAD Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide is a bioactive form of vitamin B3 that participates in many metabolic reactions. Recent studies show that NAD also plays important roles in DNA regulation, longevity, energy metabolism, and age-associated diseases. NAD is currently being used to help in cases of drug and alcohol addictions, chronic fatigue, neurological issues, heart related conditions, diabetes, and is helpful for anti-aging support in helping the repair of DNA.
- Please try to eat a light meal and drink plenty of water before your IV session, as sometimes the concentration of supplements can be very strong and we want you to have the most pleasant experience as possible.
- Specific nutrients will be mixed in an IV bag, the IV line will be drawn up and a small butterfly needle or catheter will be administered into the appropriate site (usually the forearm).
- Some discomfort may be felt during the initial needle insertion, however, our staff is trained to provide maximum comfort and the procedure is generally painless.
- Sessions typically last an hour or a little longer, where you may take a nap, or watch your favorite TV shows if you have a portable DVD player or a tablet device. We also have a television with Netflix available.
Other types of IV Therapy can be tailored depending on the condition or as treatment requires. Let us know what you are interested in and we will do our best to accommodate your needs in Optimal Health and Wellness Clinic.