Are you looking for a way to improve your overall health and wellness? Would you like a natural way to accomplish this by supporting what your body can already do? IV therapy Los Angeles is the perfect way to optimize your health, give your immune system a boost, and even prevent future issues. At Optimal Health and Wellness in Pasadena, CA, we offer a number of IV choices to address a wide range of conditions.
What Conditions Can Be Treated With IV Therapy?
Vitamin Deficiencies
Some of us eat a diet that doesn’t contain a sufficient amount of crucial nutrients, and while an IV should never be a substitute for eating a healthy diet, it can be a great boost to diets that just need a little help. Vegans, for example, often struggle to get enough B12, since the only bioavailable food sources of this vitamin or animal products.
Others of us have difficulty with vitamin deficiencies because of digestive issues, medications we have no choice but to take or autoimmune disorders that sap our reserves.
How an IV Can Help
Whatever reason you have for suffering from a vitamin deficiency, an IV can be just the answer. Because the nutrients in the IV bypass the stomach and digestive system entirely, no medications can interfere, and no digestive or autoimmune condition can block the absorption of these vital nutrients. You can receive IV therapy Los Angeles to top up B vitamins, biotin, vitamin D3, vitamin C, folic acid, and more.
Lowered Immune System Function
Again, you can suffer from a low-functioning immune system for a variety of reasons. It could be due to medications or treatments for other conditions, a side effect of a disease you’re fighting, or simply the result of a very stressful lifestyle.
How an IV Can Help
When you get IV therapy Los Angeles loaded up with B vitamins, vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, certain amino acids, and more, your immune system gets the boost it needs to protect you. It’s always best to give your body the power to fight back against disease and disorder on its own whenever possible. That’s what an IV can do.
Soreness and Fatigue
Whether you’re training hard daily or are just an occasional weekend warrior, you’re likely at some point to find yourself with tired, sore muscles. Your muscles need fuel to grow once they’ve been stimulated, and this process can be an extremely tiring time for the body.
Recovering from a workout, whether that’s so you can get on to the next one or simply get back to regular life, often doesn’t happen as quickly as we would like.
How an IV Can Help
You can treat the soreness and fatigue with a combination of amino acids that are naturally found in the body and regulate muscle growth and repair. Not only will you feel less achiness and fatigue, but your muscles will repair more effectively so you’re ready for the next effort.
Anxiety and Depression
Our modern lives have never been more stressful. Our world and the way we live has evolved rapidly, and physiologically, we humans are still catching up. In many ways, our coping mechanisms are stuck in the Paleolithic age. We have trouble dealing with long-term, chronic stress, and as a result, we can suffer from depression, anxiety, and similar mental health issues.
How an IV Can Help
IV therapy Los Angeles can help by supporting your system with the vitamins and amino acids necessary to keep both the body and the mind calm. Magnesium, many of the B-complex vitamins, and more allow the muscles to relax so that you can find inner peace–or simply find it easier to stay in a good mood.
It’s no secret that Americans struggle with obesity. While diet and exercise are always the first defense against obesity (and also the first step in fighting it), they’re not always enough on their own.
Because of the stressful and toxic environment we live in, many of us struggle to lose weight even on a careful diet and with regular exercise. It could be that your body simply needs a bit of a boost.
How an IV Can Help
By feeling your body with certain amino acids and L-Carnitine, you boost your body’s fat-burning capacity. At the same time, a healthy dose of B vitamins not only spurs your metabolism so that you can burn carbohydrates more efficiently, but also gives you more energy. With better energy and a better outlook on life, you can stick to your diet and exercise program much more easily.
Another effective IV treatment to consider is a combination of methionine, inositol, and choline. Together, these amino acids stimulate your metabolism. They also signal to your body to let go of liver fat and use it for energy.
Chronic Fatigue
This is different from the exhaustion you feel after a hard workout. Chronic fatigue is a constant feeling of exhaustion that isn’t relieved even after you get plenty of sleep. Even with a healthy diet, you may find yourself struggling just to get up and do things during the day.
While this is a complex condition, one factor may be a lack of vitamin B12 that is needed to keep the nerves in good health, give you a boost of healthy energy, and allow your red blood cells to regenerate as they should.
How an IV Can Help
Getting regular vitamin B12 IV therapy LA can give you the boost you need to keep on going and overcome your fatigue. And if your chronic fatigue is causing you to live in a chronic state of vitamin deficiency and pain, getting a multivitamin and mineral IV can effectively get you what you need for better all-around functioning.
Cold and Flu
These common illnesses make life difficult to get through, and over-the-counter cold and flu medications can leave you feeling drowsy, groggy, and unable to function effectively. Yet somehow, despite all that exhaustion, they don’t seem to help you sleep at night very well, either! A much more effective option is to give your body everything it needs to fight back against illness.
How an IV Can Help
Hydrogen peroxide boosts the immune system so that your cold and flu symptoms are minimized. The Myers cocktail delivers immune-boosting vitamins and minerals. A high dose of vitamin C can not only boost your immune system but also help you detox and relieve the symptoms of allergies.
Defeating cancer is a big task, and your body could use a boost. While IVs are not a substitute for medications, surgery, chemotherapy, or whatever else your oncologist prescribes, there are many IV options that can give your body the valuable assistance it needs to overcome this disease.
How an IV Can Help
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), as a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells, is especially useful for metastasis and pancreatic cancer. Glutathione is another powerful antioxidant that can help your body protect itself, while high-dose vitamin C has been shown to help prostate and breast cancer patients especially. It can also help you recover more quickly from the effects of chemotherapy.
Inflammation and Pain
Much of our pain comes from inflammation. This is true in general as well as in chronic diseases and diseases we associate with aging, such as arthritis. Instead of treating this pain with painkillers, what if you could lower your inflammation and naturally reduce your pain? That’s what happens when you treat yourself with curcumin.
How an IV Can Help
This powerful anti-inflammatory is found naturally in turmeric, but you can get a therapeutic dose of it through IV. Curcumin has also been shown to improve the immune system and prevent the blood supply from reaching cancerous cells. But what you’ll appreciate most about it is the way it reduces inflammation and puts a stop to chronic pain.
Addiction, whether to prescription drugs, alcohol, or illicit drugs, can be extraordinarily difficult to break. Much of what makes breaking an addiction so hard is that addiction changes the way the brain functions, and the addicted person needs more of the addictive substance in order to keep feeling and functioning well. Once a person stops taking the substance, there can be painful withdrawal systems.
How an IV Can Help
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is an especially potent and bioavailable form of vitamin B3. NAD is a naturally produced coenzyme that your body runs through quickly during times of stress. If you suffer from addiction, your levels will be particularly low.
By boosting them through a NAD IV, you can give your brain the power to break free from the addiction. NAD is useful in restoring the brain, stabilizing the mood, giving you increased energy, and decreasing withdrawal symptoms.
What Are the Benefits of IV Therapy?
Higher Doses of Nutrients
One of the greatest and perhaps the most important benefit of getting nutrients through IV is that you bypass all those systems and issues that could interfere with absorption. The nutrient goes straight into your bloodstream for maximum absorption.
Tailored to Your Needs
This therapy can be personalized for your needs. Not only are there many different therapies to choose from, but there are also add-ons and blends that can make a particular IV treatment especially useful for your condition.
You can also get IVs at whatever intervals make sense for you. And while there are many conditions that this type of therapy to treat, you’re not limited to treating only one condition at a time!
Works Quickly
Because of the way this therapy delivers nutrients to your bloodstream directly, it doesn’t take very long for you to feel the effects. Whenever you take a nutrient orally, you have to wait until the pill is broken down during the digestive process. Then there’s another delay as it is absorbed into the bloodstream.
In many cases, only about 50% or less of the nutrient will ever make it into your system. It often takes weeks of faithful ingestion before you finally start to notice a difference in the way you feel. This therapy, in contrast, goes to work instantly. Most people start to feel better even before the IV is completely finished.
You can get some of these nutrients and treatments by a simple injection, and for some people that may be the best choice. But if you have a little time, one of the benefits you’ll get from the IV treatment is effective rehydration.
If you’ve ever been dehydrated, you know what a profound impact it has on the way you function. Many of us are far more dehydrated than we think, and just drinking a little more water won’t make it better. An IV delivers effective hydration along with your nutrients so that you can get back to feeling fully like yourself again.
Find the Right IV Treatment for You
If you are interested in all the holistic benefits available through treatment with IV, talk to us. These are just a few of the conditions that can benefit from IV treatment, and we can’t wait to help you get started. To learn more about IV Therapy in Los Angeles, visit us at Optimal Health and Wellness in Pasadena, CA today.