The problem most men and women who are trying to lose weight have is the addiction to carbohydrates. While addiction might sound like a strong word, people really do feel the effects of going just a day without some kind of food that is high in carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet is a way of cutting carbohydrates completely out of your diet and replacing it with foods that are naturally high in fat. If this sounds confusing, below is some more information that may be able to explain the connection between carbs and fat.
Reduction of Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the human body’s many functions. Simply put, this is because it quickly turns into sugar (glucose) that can immediately be used for energy by the body. However, when too much in the way of simple carbohydrates are consumed, the body can’t keep up with the pace and turns these sugars into fats that are stored in various parts of the body. These pockets of fat are processed for quick energy when there is a demand for them.
However, most people will continue consuming simple carbohydrates like white bread, pasta and potatoes on a continual basis. This kind of undisciplined diet never gives the body the chance to tap into the reserves of energy stored as fats in key areas of the body. This causes weight gain very quickly and it’s hard for most people to get it off without extreme efforts.
Kinds of Foods on a Ketogenic Diet
The good thing is that fat and protein also provide the body with the energy it needs if there are no quick, simple sugars available as fuel. This is why the ketogenic diet is organized around plenty of high-quality protein along with natural fats found in meats, eggs, cheese and limited varieties of oil.
Believe it or not, butter and sugar are dairy products that are acceptable with the keto diet. So are some other forms of dairy like yogurt and cottage cheese. The point is to consume highly nutritious forms of them along with natural fats. Fats and oils like partially hydrogenated fat found in many processed foods are forbidden. Complex carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables and whole wheat bread, grains and seeds should be consumed regularly. Refined sugar must be cut and replaced with natural alternatives. Sweets and desserts must be made of natural, keto-friendly ingredients.
Things to Remember
Many people who have just started the ketogenic diet might find that they become tired and sluggish just a couple of days into it. They might also experience mood swings and possibly feelings similar to depression. This is because the body is missing the stimulation of that quick release of energy it’s accustomed to. As time goes on, the body will adjust to this and those tired feelings will be replaced with long-lasting energy and much better mental focus.
Do you think the this kind of diet might be right for you? Contact Optimal Health & Wellness today to schedule a consultation and we’ll tell you how we can guide you to weight loss success with the ketogenic diet. We are located in Pasadena.