There is a growing awareness today about the role nutrition plays in maintaining your health and well-being. Never before has the role of vital nutrients been so well understood to make a difference in so many of the critical functions the body must perform on a daily basis. When your body cannot obtain the fluids and nutrients it needs, it is only a matter of time before your body starts to malfunction. What is interesting about this scenario is that IV therapy can improve your health in both areas of providing the body with hydration and nutrition in a significant way.
When You Cannot Keep Fluids Down
It is common for people to put in a hard day’s work outside only to force their body into a state of excessive dehydration. When you reach such a state, you will often feel too ill to take in fluids normally. Often, all you can do to remedy this problem is to bypass the stomach with an IV to directly hydrate the body through your bloodstream instead
In a short while, the body will start to respond more favorably to the much-needed hydration, and your body’s ability to function will be restored to normal. With IV therapy, you can leverage the ability to directly hydrate your body to overcome illness in other areas too—such as when you are trying to deal with a severe cold or flu.
When Your Cells Are Starving
If you suffer with low energy and you feel like your head is lost in a fog, this can be an indication that your cells are starving for critical nutrients needed to restore vitality to your body. While taking supplements can seem like the obvious thing to do, chances are this approach to solving the deficiencies your cells are experiencing is not doing the job as well as you might have hoped. A better approach to getting essential nutrients into your cells is to take advantage of a more direct pathway through the use of IV therapy.
As you bypass the digestive system, placing nutrients directly into the bloodstream, you make the full dose of the nutrients you are introducing available to the cells of your body. This can make a huge difference when you are trying to recover from a funk or serious illness.
If you are interested in learning more about the different vitamin cocktails we offer at Optimal Health & Wellness, visit our office in Pasadena, CA. One of our friendly staff members can help you to decide what kind of IV therapy approach will be best for helping you to feel on top of your game again. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!