Most of us yearn for the smooth, evenly textured facial skin we enjoyed in adolescence. The effects of pollutants, collagen loss in the skin, and decreased moisture in the dermal tissues result in fine wrinkles and more pronounced blemishes. Our bodies have a remarkable way of repairing these problems, but in most cases, a signaling mechanism is required. Look no further than PRP therapy.
Blood platelets contain proteins and other important growth factors; they clot blood in the event of injury and signal the distribution of nutrients. Platelets can be utilized by the skin to replace old, damaged cells with healthier ones. Known as platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy, this simple cosmetic rejuvenation procedure can help restore facial skin to a more youthful condition.
How Does It Work?
A small amount of blood is taken from the patient. The plasma and platelets are separated from the red cells via high-speed centrifugation. The plasma is spun to remove it from the platelets. The resulting fluid is very high in platelet count. The platelets are then activated by mixture with a blend of vitamins and amino acids.
This mix is then inserted beneath the skin in combination with a microneedling procedure. The body reacts as though a slight injury has occurred and begins the healing process. The PRP mix helps to accelerate the creation of healthy skin cells. The epidermal layer soon sheds in favor of the new growth. Wrinkles become less visible and mild blemishes fade. The resulting facial skin is not only smoother, but it also exhibits more natural contours.
What are the Benefits?
One major benefit of PRP therapy is that the new skin will be collagen-rich. This means a more supple, taut skin surface. Most of our clients undergo a series of PRP treatments. Our unique approach combines the PRP treatment with ozone to release extra oxygen to the skin, boosting the regular healing benefits of the therapy.
The procedure is simple and relatively brief, so the patient can easily work this treatment in around other activities. There’s no real recovery period, one of the biggest advantages of PRP therapy over other skin rejuvenation procedures. As the patient’s own blood supply is used to extract the platelets, there is practically no risk of allergic reaction.
To learn more about PRP therapy for facial rejuvenation and other uses, contact us today at Optimal Health & Wellness, located in Pasadena, and schedule a consultation.