Millions of Americans struggle with weight issues every day. Excess body weight can lead to a number of unwelcome conditions, some of them medically critical. If you have tried various diets and exercise regimens to no real avail, we may be able to help. With medical weight loss, you can slim down your frame and […]
Rejuvenate the Natural Way with PRP Therapy
Most of us yearn for the smooth, evenly textured facial skin we enjoyed in adolescence. The effects of pollutants, collagen loss in the skin, and decreased moisture in the dermal tissues result in fine wrinkles and more pronounced blemishes. Our bodies have a remarkable way of repairing these problems, but in most cases, a signaling […]
How Does IV Therapy Work?
When it comes to your health, this is one aspect of your life that you know you must stay on top of if you want to live to a ripe old age. There are many ways that you can augment your health. Improving your diet, exercise, stress reduction, and other tactics have helped health conscious […]
Understanding the Ketogenic Diet
The problem most men and women who are trying to lose weight have is the addiction to carbohydrates. While addiction might sound like a strong word, people really do feel the effects of going just a day without some kind of food that is high in carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet is a way of cutting […]
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Benefits for Women
You’re tired of being at the mercy of your hormones. It’s been a lifetime of feeling like you are stuck on a runaway train. You just want to get off. It’s tough dealing with the changes that happen to your body as a woman. It begins when you are entering your teen years and you […]
What are the Benefits of Ozone Therapy?
Ozone therapy is a medical treatment process that involves breathing in medical-grade ozone gas for a short period of time. This natural gas contains three oxygen atoms, which is one more than the normal oxygen we breathe every day. This makes ozone therapy the perfect way to quickly increase the oxygen levels throughout the entire […]
Limited Range of Motion? Stem Cell Enhancing Therapy May Be Right for You
Whether you have had an injury, been the victim of a chronic condition, or are dealing with arthritis, it can really limit your range of motion. You may find yourself unable to move freely the way you used to. To make matters worse, you may endure pain every day along with stiffness that keeps you […]
PRP Therapy for Joint Pain
Joint pain is a common condition among people of all ages, although it tends to be more predominant among older people. Joint pain can be caused by many conditions including acute strains and sprains, overuse, bursitis, or a torn meniscus, but the most common cause is arthritis. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that causes pain, […]